KodeKloud CKAD — Lightning Lab 1 Solution & explanation

Steven Lu
3 min readMar 15, 2022


CKAD certificate

The reason why I decided to share this page is because there is insufficient source of explicitly guiding Kubernetes beginner how to approach lab exercises efficiently. Besides, it would be also conducive to prepare for CKAD exam the upcoming 3 months. Hope that by looking through the explanation of how to approach the lab questions in Lightning Lab 1 exercise, the readers could understand the strategy of resolving it easier.


1st question of Lighting Lab 1

Step 1:

To create a yaml file named lightning_lab_solution_q1.yaml, then start editing it.

vi lightning_lab_solution_q1.yaml

Step 2:

Following the specific requirements written by questions, and then typing it into lightning_lab_solution_q1.yaml.

Solution of Q1

Step 3.

To create the Persisten Volume log-volume, Q1 is finished.

kubectl create -f lightning_lab_solution_q1.yaml


2nd question of Lightning Lab 1

Step 1.

To create a yaml file named lightning_lab_solution_q2.yaml, then doing the same procedure as Q1 Step1.

vi lightning_lab_solution_q2.yaml

Step 2.

Opening vi editor, then deploying a pod named secure-pod, and service called secure-service, as shown below lightning_lab_solution_q2.yaml.

Solution of Q2

Step 3.

To check matchLabels,

kubectl get po --show-labels

Step 4.

To examine whether pod webapp-color is connecting or not, Q2 completed!

kubectl exec -it webapp-color -- nc -z -v -w 1 secure-service 80


Step 1.

Create a yaml file named lightning_lab_solution_q3.yaml,

vi lightning_lab_solution_q3.yaml

Step 2.

Editing lightning_lab_solution_q3.yaml into the below solution manifest,

Step 3.

To create a namespace named dvl1987,

kubectl create ns dvl1987

Step 4.

To create a config map called time-config with data TIME_FREQ=10 in the same namespace,

kubectl create configmap time-config --from-literal=TIME_FREQ=10 -n dvl1987

Step 5.

After creating both namespace and configmap, then create a pod named time-check,

kubectl create -f lightning_lab_solution_q3.yaml

Step 6.

To check whether log file successfully outputs time report every 10 seconds.

If successful, it will display the output as below:

Output of time-check.log

Step 7.

To examine search for the time frequency in the environment.

kubectl -n dvl1987 exec -it time-check -- env | grep TIME_FREQ

If correct, then displaying the below output, Q3 completed.

Output of TIME_FREQ


Step 1.

Create a yaml file named lightning_lab_solution_q4.yaml,

vi lightning_lab_solution_q4.yaml

Step 2.

Revising lightning_lab_solution_q4.yaml into the below solution manifest,

Solution of Q4

Step 3.

kubectl create -f lightning_lab_solution_q4.yaml

Step 4.

To upgrade deployment version to 1.17,

kubectl set image deployment/nginx-deploy nginx=nginx:1.17

Step 5.

Undo the update,

kubectl create -f lightning_lab_solution_q5.yaml

Step 6.

Check current version of deployment nginx-deploy, Q4 done!

kubectl describe deployment nginx-deploy


Step 1.

Create a yaml file named lightning_lab_solution_q5.yaml,

vi lightning_lab_solution_q5.yaml

Step 2.

Revising lightning_lab_solution_q5.yaml into the below solution manifest,

Solution of Q5

Step 3.

To create a deployment named redis, Q5 done!

kubectl create -f lightning_lab_solution_q5.yaml

Finally, if all the questions passed the tests, then the score would be 100%.

Result of passing all the question tests



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